Policy 2204 Travel & Meal Expense Reimbursement

Policy 2204 Travel & Meal Expense Reimbursement



YAKIMA, WA  98908


POLICY #     2204                                                            


COMMISSION CHAIR SIGNATURE:      s/b Jim Merritt, Chair


EFFECTIVE DATE:                        8/13/2013




REFERENCE:                     IRS PER DIEM RATES

                                                US GENERAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATION




The purpose of this policy is to provide an outline for authorized travel and meal reimbursement incurred while participating in or conducting official District business.




All members of the District including cadets, firefighters, rehab members, full-time staff and Commissioners.




3.1       Employees who wish to travel away from the District for official District business purposes must be authorized by the Fire Chief or his designee through submission of a Training Request form.





4.1       Mileage will be reimbursed for member’s traveling in a privately owned vehicle outside of Yakima County.  Mileage will be paid at the current Federal Mileage rate and approved by Resolution by the Board of Fire Commissioners.  Mileage is calculated by using Yahoo Maps/Mapquest directions from the member’s residence to the conference/meeting destination.

4.2       Mileage will NOT be reimbursed for member’s traveling in a privately owned vehicle within Yakima County.  (This is classified as “normal commute time”.)

4.3       No mileage will be reimbursed for travel in a District Vehicle.

4.4       Members will be reimbursed for any fuel purchased for District Vehicle’s in the course of their travels.  All requests for reimbursement must be accompanied with an original receipt.

4.5       Carpooling is strongly encouraged.  Members choosing to travel in their privately owned vehicle when there is a District Vehicle traveling to the same location should not expect to be reimbursed for mileage unless pre-approved.




5.1       Lodging will be reimbursed at the actual costs for member’s traveling outside of Yakima County (over 75 miles) on an overnight trip.  All requests for reimbursement must be accompanied with an original receipt.  Members will endeavor to stay at the facility hosting the event.  If lodging is not provided at the member’s destination or there are no vacancies, then the member will secure lodging at the nearest facility offering modest and reasonable rates and accommodations. 




6.1       When a member is serving as an official representative of the District in an activity or a function, such as a meeting, the meal will be reimbursed at the actual cost.  All requests for reimbursement must be accompanied with an original receipt (1 person = 1 meal).

6.2       Meals will not be reimbursed for member’s traveling within Yakima County for training purposes or meetings without meals.

6.3       Meals will be reimbursed at actual cost for member’s traveling outside Yakima County on a “one-day” trip.  All requests for reimbursement must be accompanied with an original receipt (1 person = 1 meal).

6.4       Meals will be reimbursed at the Per Diem rate for member’s traveling outside of Yakima County on an overnight trip.  Per Diem will be paid at the current Per Diem rate approved by Resolution by the Board of Fire Commissioners.

6.5       Alcoholic beverages will NOT be reimbursed for any reason.






7.1       All air travel must be pre-approved.  Airfare will be reimbursed at the actual cost, for standard coach fares.  All requests for reimbursement must be accompanied with an original receipt.




8.1       The following are allowed reimbursable expenses and will be reimbursed at the actual cost.  All requests for reimbursement must be accompanied with an original receipt.

            8.1.1   Parking fees.

            8.1.2   Ferry tolls.

            8.1.3   Bridge or road tolls.

            8.1.4   Taxi fares.

            8.1.5   Transit or bus fares.

            8.1.6   Duplication or class supplies.

            8.1.7   Rental vehicle, if pre-approved.


8.2       The following are considered personal and are not reimbursable expenses:

            8.2.1   Laundry service.

8.2.2   Valet service (unless mandatory at the facility).

            8.2.3   Radio or TV rental.

            8.2.4   Entertainment.

8.2.5   Parking fees, ferry tolls, bridge or road tolls, taxi fares, transit or bus fares that are for personal or entertainment purposes.

            8.2.6   Personal trip insurance.

            8.2.7   Parking or motor vehicle violations.

            8.2.8   Alcoholic beverages.

8.2.9   Expenses for a spouse, family member or other person not authorized to receive reimbursement under this policy.




9.1       Members are responsible to complete an Expense Voucher within 5 days of return travel. The Expense Voucher must be accompanied with all necessary receipts and documentation.

9.2       Reimbursements are paid through the Accounts Payable process and are made within 45 days of approval.




10.1    Refreshments and/or meals may be provided at the Districts expense for business meetings and formal training sessions where ALL of the following requirements are met:

10.1.1 The person responsible for the meeting / training receives prior approval from the Fire Chief for the serving of refreshments and / or meals.

10.1.2 The purpose of the meeting is to conduct official District business or to provide a formal training session that benefits the District.

10.1.3 The meeting and / or training session is a special situation or occasion outside of the normal daily business of District members.  District funds may not be used to provide refreshments or meals for staff parties, routine staff meetings, or any event deemed to be social in nature.

10.1.4 The District obtains an itemized receipt of the actual cost of the refreshment and / or meal, along with the list of participants.


10.2    When personnel from other agencies agree to participate in assessment centers or promotional testing to the benefit of the District, the Fire Chief may approve providing refreshments and / or a meal as appropriate.


10.3    When personnel from other agencies attend a meeting or other type event hosted by, attended by and for the benefit of the District, the Fire Chief may approve providing refreshments as appropriate.